Well integrity refers to the unintended release of fluids along the structure wells across rock formations, aquifers and into the atmosphere. In the context of the energy transition, maintaining the integrity of wells has become critical for a number of applications. Storage of hydrogen and other fuel gas, oil & gas production and CCUS all rely on insulated wells to deliver performance and meet the regulations regarding the emission of greenhouse gases. Net-Zero Geosystems provides softwares and services for the prediction of well integrity loss in gas storage wells, oil & gas wells and CO2 injector wells wether they are new built or legacy wells with a history production. The well integrity analysis we offer spans over the full life cycle of the well and from the reservoir scale to the well defect scale.
With reservoir-scale simulations (GEOS), we analyse the overall stress evolution in the well caused by the changes in injection pressure and reservoir pressure during:
In doing so we identify well sections where integrity is at risk and examine them further with defect-scale simulations.
After well zones at risk of well integrity loss have been identified, we perform fracture-scale simulations using specialised software developed with TotalEnergies and validated against data from proprietary well integrity experiments. With our software, debonding and fractures in the well are predicted along with their hydraulic aperture. This enables us to calculate the associated leakage potential of the well.
with GEOS
Fluid injection is well-known for disrupting the stability of faults in the vicinity of the storage reservoir. In the oil & gas sector, injection of fluids has induced numerous low to medium magnitude earthquakes. In the context of gas storage, induced seismicity may have an unfavourable impact on the completion of the project by compromising wells or the infrastructure and driving negative public perception. Identifying the faults that may re-activate, calculating the energy they may release and locating brine water production wells that will minimise fault induced seismicity is critical to de-risk gas storage projects.
Because injected fluids are less dense that the resident brine, they rise to the top of the reservoir. Upwards fluid migration is prevented by the rock formation above the reservoir, the caprock. However, the integrity of the caprock may be affected by the stress changes caused by the injection. If the seal is compromised, drinking water aquifers may be contaminated and greenhouse gases may be released into the atmosphere.
We are a team of geoscientists which formed at Imperial College London. We are passionate about the energy transition and committed to delivering cutting-edge software and services that will support the development of net-zero geosystems.